"Right Pitch to the Right Audience" -Series 3

ARUNAI ENGINEERINGCOLLEGE , Centre of Skill Development, Department of Computer Science and Engineering happy to announce the webinar series "Right Pitch to the Right Audience" to provide professional platform for engineering students to channelize the ideas and provide necessary technical support to unfold their taughts into reality.

In the Presence of Our Respected Vice-chairman Er.E.V.Kumaran , Respected Registrar Dr.R.Sathiyaseelan, Respected our beloved Principal Dr.R.Ravichandran sir.
Welcome address by Dr.M.Jothish Kumar , Head,Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
Webinar Series 3
Speaker's & Topic
Dr M.Jothish Kumar
Topic: Statistics of Networking
Mrs.T.Lakshmi AP/CSE,
Mrs Sasirekha AP/CSE
Department of CSE,
Arunai Engineering College.
Topic: The Future of Networking

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